Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hadley is growing like a weed!!

Mom has been very slack about posting apologies!  It's hard to believe Miss Hadley turns 12 weeks old next week.  She is growing like a weed and we are enjoying every minute of it.  The last few weeks have been great!  In fact, the Harris' finally made the move up to Charlotte.  They moved in last weekend to an adorable rental house in Ballantyne.  It is just precious and they already have it fixed up so cute!  Aunt Emily was also in town from Atlanta. Pics below.

Miss Hadley is really starting to have the cutest little personality, especially when she is around her daddy!  She loves Brad and he knows just how to make her is so cute! 

Hadley's 2 month check up went great. She weighed 11.9 and was 22" long.  She also had to get 4 shots at that check up, but she was a strong little girl and did just fine.  Unfortunately, a few days later she came down with her first little cold, but luckily it didn't last long, just some congestion and a little cough.  I was sick as well, so not sure if she gave it to me or I gave it to her.  Or it could have been something she picked up at the dr. office.  It doesn't help the fact that mom takes her to the dr. for even the slightest little thing....hopefully I'll grow out of that soon..haha!

I have really enjoyed my time home with her, but unfortunately it has to come to an end around the middle of June.  Back to work I go! But Brad and I hired an awesome nanny who will take great care of Hadley.  Her name is Katie and we are really excited about her.

Here are some misc pictures from the last few weeks!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Week!

We had quite a few visitors the week of Easter.  Mom and Papa came down for a few days since they were on spring break.  So great to see them!  And then the Harvey's stopped by on their way down to Montgomery for the Inscoe egg hunt.  Luckily Hadley was awake and got to visit with them for  bit.

 Isn't she so cute!! Look at that face!

On Easter Sunday Brad and I decided to take Hadley to the church we got married in- St. Gabriel's Catholic Church.  This was her first major outing, besides drs appointments, so needless to say we were a little anxious! She looked so cute in a beautiful gown that a friend of the Harris' had given her and a cute pink hair bow Gigi made.  Overall she did great, just got a little fussy about an hour into the service.  The service ran extremely long since it was Easter Sunday. 
Unfortunately we couldn't get a picture of the three of us, but here are some pics of her with Brad and I. 

Later that evening, we had Easter dinner at Meredith and Dave's, so it was a busy day.  We were all exhausted by the time it was over!

Monday, April 2, 2012

4 weeks old! And Grandpa and BeBe come to visit!

Miss Hadley turned 4 weeks old last week!  Where does the time go??  We had her 4 week well check on Tuesday and she is doing great!  She has gained almost 17 ounces in just 2 weeks.  She weighs a little over 9 lbs now and is about 21.5" long.  She's a little piggy! 

My dad (Grandpa) and step-mom Barb (Bebe) were in town last week as well.  It was so nice having them here.  They were such a big help around the house and with Hadley.  Brad always has a list of projects for my dad to do!  (Hadley wasn't posing well for the camera)

The dogs are still feeling somewhat neglected.  They are so used to being the center of attention, so baby Hadley has been a huge adjustment for them.  In fact Oliver is going to desperate measures.  Look where I found him the other day....asleep in Hadley's moses basket.  Poor little guy!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A rough behind us!

This week has been interesting needless to say. Tuesday morning me, Brad and Marsha (Mimi) went to take Hadley to her two week well check dr. appt.  When we got there and undressed her we noticed her left little boobie was inflamed and a little swollen.  It was not like that over the weekend or on Monday, so it had just popped up overnight.  Her temperature was also a little high. The dr. was concerned that it could be a possible infection or breast abscess.  And with a two week old baby you can't take any chances at all so she sent us straight to the Children's hospital in Charlotte.  Not exactly the place you want to be with a two week old baby.  Brad and I were an absolute wreck.  We were so worried about her. 
However, once we got to the hospital we were in great hands.  They immediately got her started on an intravenous antibiotic.  The antibiotic started working immediately and the swelling/inflammation was gone within about 12 hours.  GOD IS SO GOOD!  Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.
Luckily they sent us home the next day and we are finishing up with an oral antibiotic.  They aren't sure what causes these type of infections but it is not uncommon. 
Hadley was such a big girl through this entire experience.  In fact, she didn't even fuss when they put the IV in her arm.  The nurse said she did better than any baby she had ever had.   But honestly, I think a lot of that had to do with her daddy keeping her calm.  Brad is such an amazing dad! I really don't know what I would do without him. 

We are very thankful that Benny and Marsha were here during our hospital stay.  It is so comforting having family around.  They have been such a big help with Hadley and around the house!!! 

Since we've been home from the hospital, we have just been enjoying every minute with our little angel.  The weather has been so nice, that we've been able to get outside for walks in the baby b'journ and the stroller.  Hadley loves being outside!! 

Hadley continues to love her bath time!!!  She has yet to cry while being in the bath.  Mimi showed us how they bathe babies in the nursery and we have it down pat now!  She loves laying on her stomach in the water...too funny!
I must say she is the cutest thing I have ever seen!    Her hair looks really red in this picture, so it's a mystery as to what color it will actually turn out to be.

Hadley also took her first bottle this week....what a big step!!!  I have been pumping once a day so Brad can give her a bottle at night.  It's a huge help and Brad just loves giving it to her. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Welcome Hadley Jo!

Hadley Jo Harris arrived on Tuesday February 28th at 11:02am.  She weighed 8 lbs and was 20" long.  What an amazing experience!  Brad and I can't put into words how incredible it was to witness the birth of our daughter.  We feel so blessed!  She is truly a gift from God. 

We had to do a last minute c-section after 24 hours of labor, so needless to say Brad and I were anxious to meet our little girl!  Brad got to hold her and cut the umbilical cord right after her birth.  He is such a proud daddy! 

Hadley had quite a welcoming committee when she arrived!  We had the Harris clan in town from Montgomery, as well as my mom, Emily, my sister Meredith, my Aunt Jerrianne, and my grandfather, Phil Inscoe.

Due to the c-section we had to stay in the hospital a little longer than anticipated.  We arrived home on Friday afternoon.  We couldn't wait to show Hadley her new house and most importantly her room.  Brad and I have spent months getting her room ready.   It's elephant/circus themed.  Grandma Harris (Mimi) bought Hadley a beautiful cross for the door to her room. 

Our dear friends Virgina and Will surprised us with the stork in our front yard!  It is so cute! 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hadley's First Few Days At Home!

The first few days at home have been so exciting and challenging at the same time!  Brad was home through the weekend and then had to go back to work on Monday, so my mom, Emily (GiGi) has been here to help.

Hadley is feeding very well, but we are having some challenges with her sleep.  She doesn't like to sleep much during the day (we think she's afraid she's going to miss something!).  The nights have been smooth sailing, knock on wood.  Hopefully in a few weeks we will have established somewhat of a routine. 

Here are some pics during our first few days at home.

Hadley's First Bath

Hadley loves her daddy!  Her favorite thing is laying on Brad's chest.  And Brad loves it too!  He can't wait to 'kangaroo' with her every night after work.

We have introduced Hadley to some of her toys!  She loves her bouncy chair and loves to be rocked.  Gigi has been spoiling her rotten.  She loves the boppy lounger also (Willie and Lorita sent us that as a gift...and what a hit it has been!)

Hadley's first dr. appt went really well.  She has already gained 6oz since we left the hospital, so well on her way back to her birth weight.  She loved the car put her right to sleep.  Thank goodness I had Gigi's help that day.